We are happy to report that the twenty-one foster children in Acenda are thriving with their families.Our most recent report from Iris Domingos, our project coordinator, had many wonderful updates.Suzanna,who is hearing impaired, is finding joy in communicating as she learns sign language.Melita, 14 years old, is doing much better in school this year.Batista, a 10 year old boy with special needs, has received some new treatments. Several of our children have transferred schools and are achieving better grades.
Baptista, 2011
One of our foster care mothers, Clara Amelia Matsinhe, currently works for Mozambique's Social Action(similar to USA's Child Protective Services).She is an experienced social worker with her specialty being children. Clara Amelia has shared with us the reality of having Zinha, 14 years old, join her family.She said, "In the beginning it was very hardteaching Zinha the rules and expectations in our home.Everyone would become easily frustrated."She talked about the need to have a great deal of patience and persistence.In time, they have succeeded in creating a peaceful and loving family.
Zinha, Clara Amelia, Clara's daughter
Zinha is in the 7th grade this year and is a bright student.When she is not studying or helping around the house, her mom said she can always be found on the soccer field.
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